[alg052] - Sonic Weapons - Escoitar.org
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A first version of ‘Sonic Weapons’ was produced and premiered on occasion of the Art’s Birthday Party 2009 (‘Safe & Sound’), organized by the Ars Acustica group. For all the details concerning the origin of the audio-quotes, please visit http://www.artesonoro.org/sonicweapons/. Except where otherwise noted, this audio-work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Related Music question-dark
Versions - Different performances of the song by the same artist
Compilations - Other albums which feature this performance of the song
Covers - Performances of a song with the same name by different artists
Song Title | Versions | Compilations | Covers |
Sonic Weapons |
Título: “Sonic Weapons”
Dirección: Escoitar.org
Producción: Juan-Gil López, Chiu Longina
Comisionado por: Radio Nacional de España (Radio2) y Ars Acustica International (European Broadcasting Union EBU).
Herramienta: Pure Data Software
Duración: 00:20:00
Realización: 2009
Formato: Audio
Licencia: CC
"White Noise (House of Fun)" (unruidosecreto.net); “Sirena de Izar” (Factorías Juliana S.A.U., Gijón 2008, grabado por Escoitar.org); "The War of the Worlds" (Radio Theatre, Orson Welles. Audio-cita-), "Technocalyps" (documental dirigido por Frank Theys. Audio-cita-); "Music for Airports" (Brian Eno. Audio-cita); "Musique d'ameublement" (Eric Satie. Audio-cita); "The Tailanders" (documental de Adele Horne. Audio-cita); “Toque de campana anunciando una muerte (femenina)” (grabado por Escoitar.org en Insua, Pontevedra. 2008); “Señales acústicas de la Mina de a Camocha” (grabado por Escoitar.org en Gijón. 2008); “Radio NPR: For a Non-Lethal Weapon, Israel Uses Sound” (Audio-cita); “Entrevista con José sobre la caída de bombas en la Guerra Civil española” (grabada por Escoitar.org en Gijón. 2008); “BBC Radio News about ultrasound under 25” (Audio-cita. BBC Radio); "Standard Operating procedure" (documental de Errol Morris. Audio-cita); “Brain synch waves” (ondas de sincronización cerebral generadas por software);
This audio-work presents an overview of the different uses, developments and technologies that make use of SOUND in order to exert social control and power. The piece provides a conceptual approach to the topic by illustrating its applications through audio-quotes and other forms of documentation that analyze the impact and effects of these technologies, as well as it uses and abuses. By using a micro-tale or docudrama format, this work may contribute to the analysis of the effects of sound in human existence, enabling a critical analysis of this phenomenon.
A first version of ‘Sonic Weapons’ was produced and premiered on occasion of the Art’s Birthday Party 2009 (‘Safe & Sound’), organized by the Ars Acustica group. For all the details concerning the origin of the audio-quotes, please visit http://www.artesonoro.org/sonicweapons/. Except where otherwise noted, this audio-work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Artists Bio(s) - max 700 letters incl. spaces all together
Juan-Gil López is a musicologist. Member of the net projects Mediateletipos.net, Artesonoro.org and Escoitar.org. In the last years he has developped different interdisciplinary research projects in the fields of ethnomusicology (music and ethnicity), contemporary music, and the relationships between music and Fine Arts.
Chiu Longina is an anthropologist, sound artist and acoustic spaces creator. Co-founder and member of the groups Escoitar.org, SINSALaudio, Alg-a, Artesonoro.org and Mediateletipos.net. Editor and free curator, works at this moment on a research about sound technologies of social control and acoustic weapons (the topic of his PhD).
- Addeddate
- 2010-01-23 20:55:52
- Boxid
- OL100020207
- External_metadata_update
- 2019-04-16T10:38:15Z
- Identifier
- alg052
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